Definition av feedback

Här är en arbetsdefinition av feedback (återkoppling är ett annat namn på samma företeelse) som används i forskningsprojektet. Definitionen är en ihopsättning av befintliga förekommande definitioner med egna tillägg (speciellt ”Data Collection”) så  att det skapar en helhet.

Se även wikipedias definition av feedback.

Corrective Feedback (korrigerande) is an intervention with information given by a system in the receiving entities environment) to the receiving entity that aims to eliminate or reduce a gap between a prior or current action/behaviour and a new desired action/behaviour (goal).

Constructive feedback (konstruktiv) is a version of corrective feedback that also informs the receiving entity, on how to adjust prior or current action/behaviour to reduce or eliminate the above gap.

Corrective or constructive Feedback can be said to be unsuccessful if the intervention fails to reduce/eliminate the gap or the gap is increased.

Supportive Feedback( uppskattande) is an intervention with information given by an entity to a receiving entity that aims to maintain or reinforce a prior or current action/behaviour.

Supportive Feedback can be said to be unsuccessful if the intervention fails to maintain or reinforce a desired action/behaviour.

Data Collection Feedback is an intervention with information given by an entity to a receiving entity that aims to inform the receiver relevant data for the receiver to process in order to make a conclusion if there is a need to either maintain/reinforce a prior or current action/behaviour or if there is a need to eliminate or reduce a gap between a prior or current action/behaviour and a new desired action/behaviour (goal).

Data Collection Feedback can be said unsuccessful when the collected data is irrelevant or insufficient to inform the receiver to decide a) if there is a gap or b) that the receiver should maintain/reinforce the prior or current action/behaviour.

An intervention, with Corrective Feedback, Supportive Feedback and Data collection Feedback, can be initiated by (a) an entity in the receiving entities environment (PUSH Feedback) or (b) the receiving entity can initiate a feedback intervention by requesting feedback from an entity in the receiving entities environment (PULL Feedback).  Feedback can be given on the performance of the entity regarding (a) the output (the result) or (b) the input (the amount of effort) or (c) the process (work procedures or interaction with other entities).

Conscious Intentional Feedback is when both the giving entity and the receiving entity has awareness that there is a feedback transaction between them here and now, then they are in contact. And the intention with feedback is Corrective, Supportive or Data Collection.

Feedback is a dynamic process between source and recipient, and giving feedback affects the source as well as the recipient and their relation.

In a feedback intervention both the giving and receiving entities are in contact. Contact occurs dynamically at the co-created boundary.

© Stefan Gunnarsson

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