Testimonies from participants

Some testimonies from employees  who participated in a workshop 

What has been most important?

To get new ideas on how to give feedback such as how to say something that is difficult to raise

To think about how to say things, how to render praise / criticism in a good way to get power

Learning to not say ”Man,” but talk in the singular and the feedback should come from ”the heart”

Section to seek feedback from my self-image.

Rated food for thought on how to submit feedback both positive and negative

That it has been fun

That one got to think about the importance of giving and receiving feedback

Practice giving feedback

The importance of giving feedback and how I in front of it and to choose the right time

Many tools to respond to other better and help / self-influence behavior directed against others / myself

What insights have I gained?

It’s about the person’s behavior, unless the person concerned

Not to accuse, not to wrap the criticism. To dare to express constructive feedback at all.

Not to criticize the personality without trying to correct behavior

That I will give feedback to my work mates

How do I do to get feedback if I so desire

It may be obvious with feedback, not so obvious

The feedback should always come from the heart

Feedback is more important than I think

Important and easy to provide feedback to colleagues in everyday life

That it is better to be critical of someone’s behavior than the person itself

Thinking about how my behavior might affect and are perceived by others

That you give and receive too little feedback

I sometimes one group actions and do not really dare to stand up for my own insights

That I ought to give feedback more often

To provide feedback in the right way without hurting

That I have become aware of unconscious rude

How important it is – that you can also ask for feedback

How groups develop / work

I can see my own flaws in it what irritate me in others

To provide more constructive feedback with more thought and better-looking packet

”A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words”.

One participant drew the following visual feedback:

Here are some managers/leaders who participated in a workshop:

What has been most  important?

Changing behavior, not personality

To focus more on the receiver in the dialogue.

Feedback is not just a manager case.

The importance of feedback that leads  towards goals/objectives.

That we should work toward going to a responsible development culture – to see the anonymous employee survey and assessment of communicative leadership as a basis/start.

Very good when we had to sit and observe and give feedback, the discussion was very fruitful.

It feels as if the lecture session and exercise ”baked” into a whole that goes directly into me in my leadership.

The reminder that everyone wants to be seen and confirmed.

Mixing lectures with practical training and work with other / new people.

That I had tools to deal with the difficult conversation.

What insights have I gained?

Reminder that feedback requires a culture where it is possible to include both managers and employees. I sometimes experience as a manager that feedback is something I will deliver and I get  little performance anxiety. Now I will go home and build a feedback culture!

How hard it is. That despite this morning’s lecture still fell in all the pitfalls.

The most important thing to keep from ”BUT”.

Feedback is an important tool to get a well-functioning workplace. Get back to  my department to emphasize the importance of peer feedback.

How do I continue to ask staff and colleagues and especially my boss for feedback.

It is possible to build a feedback culture where we are more giving feedback, not just the manager!

Glad to get some new models to relate in.

That I was good and simple theories about the importance of feedback and its effects on work output.

To me in my management style have become even clearer in terms of both positive and negative criticism. I should really work on finding concrete examples every day to provide feedback to my staff.

Most important was to work out in the triads. Had been able to continue with the rest of the day!

I have to back and to work hard to put up concrete goals for each employee.

What has surprised me?

That we in the short triad exercise came so far in Casena and got so much help by lifting Kit for the case with others.

That I am taken by this, and really want to improve dialogue and feedback, even though you’ve worked with it for so many years. Inspiring!

The exercises and how much you develop through them.

It was never boring!