This workshop in feedback will give the participants knowledge, tools, models, exercises and inspiration to being a part of creating a developing feedback culture!

The workshop in feedbackworkshop in feedback is more extensive than a lecture/seminar. It offers a large amount of practical training. The workshop can be held either for a half or a full day. A workshop in feedback is for between 5 and 250 participants. Training materials could be supplied in the form of the book ”Professional Feedback – the magic of conscious meetings”.

The workshop can be held in both Swedish and English!

Workshop in Feedback:


Target group:

workshop in feedback birdThe workshop is targeted to: individual units, departments, management teams, project teams, all managers and leaders in the organization and/or the organization itself that wants to:

  • Develop their communication.
  • Learn how to give, receive and ask for feedback.
  • Develop individuals and groups.
  • Learn how to handle and avoid conflicts.
  • Receive knowledge about how to introduce a working practical feedback culture.

What participants have said about the course:

  • The most important part has been that the whole department has received a common ”education” in feedback that we can start practicing and discussing straight away.
  • Receiving the tools to be able to give feedback. To get to practice on each other. To see the whole picture of behaviour and feedback.
  • That the seminar was so much fun. All the spontaneous laughs during the journey. Stefan has good sense of humor!
  • That feedback is such an important component in a functioning organization.
  • The own responsibility to contribute to the development of the group.
  • You have surprised me! Engaged, skilled and capturing lecturer and workshop leader.
  • To dare to speak about this in our group. This hasn’t been done before. Some of the things that have been brought up are clear examples of how it is in our group.
  • That the course wasn’t routine like but gave real tools.

Click here to book your workshop in feedback!